Monday, August 20, 2007

When did I become one of them?

So, I never thought that I would be the type of person who would feel paralyzed by not having my cell phone, but apparently I am!! On Friday, I had a bit of a mishap with my phone which caused it to stop functioning properly - and I freaked out. I was completely panicked, and that feeling only got worse when the guy at the phone place said that I would need to have it replaced. I freaked some more - How LONG would that take?! I can't be without my cell phone! It is my life line!!

As it turns out, I should have my new phone by the time I arrive home from work tonight. Although it will have been only about 72 hours that I was without my phone, I cannot believe how very out of touch I have felt! It has been the strangest feeling to know that I cannot just get in touch with whomever I would like whenever I would like. Even worse is the knowledge that anybody trying to get in touch with me cannot do that, either!! I mean, what calls am I currently missing?! Surely somebody is trying desperately to get in touch with me!

So, having gone through this, and come to the realization that I have become one of those people who seems to be incapable of surviving without her cell phone, I am just going to embrace it. Sure, many people in my shoes would go the other way and vow to become less dependent upon the gadgets in our lives, but not me!! I love my little phone! I love that feeling of exhilaration that washes over me each time it rings, beeps, or buzzes telling me that somebody is trying to get in touch with me...because that somebody might be you!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've tried calling you for days, damnit!