Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Getting Involved

So, I had always said that if Hillary Clinton ran for President, I would do all that I could to get involved in her campaign. Well, the time has finally come for me to do just that! I plan to attend my very first grassroots campaign meeting this weekend at the home of a complete stranger!

While this might not seem like a big deal to many people, to me, this is a HUGE thing. I tend to be a bit anti-social and withdrawn around people that I do not know very well, and I have frequently heard from my friends that they thought I was a snob and a bitch before they really got to know me. So, for me to go to the home of somebody I have never met for the purpose of getting some grassroots work done for Hillary, well, that just really falls far outside of my comfort zone. Not to mention the fact that I don't really feel like I am as educated about the issues and other candidates as I should be and fear that I will sound like a complete idiot!!!

I will be sure to let you know how it all goes, but if you are thinking about getting involved, and have decided, at least for now, to back Hillary, be sure to check out her website:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember going to a MoveOn meeting right before the 2004 election. The thing that sucked is they wanted us to go door to door encouraging people to vote for Kerry. That's where I had to draw the line...I don't like bothering people at home, especially when so many of them don't want to talk about who they are voting for. It just didn't seem right to me. So hopefully they won't make you do that!