Saturday, September 8, 2007

My poor neglected Blog...

So, I know that I have been completely neglecting my blog, but it has been for a worthy cause!! I have been stamping like a mad woman these days!! Last weekend I created my first One Sheet Wonder and had so much fun with it!! I have also made others (which you can see in my SCS gallery). I have even sold some of my cards - something I never really expected to do!! All in all, getting back to stamping has been great!! I know that I said this is a previous post, but I really enjoy making cards and stamping! What has been the most fun, however, is all of the inspiration I have gotten from the weekly challenges and many talented folks on SCS!!

That's all I really have time for right now, but I promise to try to keep up with my blog a bit better than I have been recently!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope you paid taxes on that sale...