Thursday, September 13, 2007

Heading to Altoona

So, this is the most recent card that I completed and it is a big hit!! I love the way it turned out and so does everybody else who has seen it!! The colors are much more vibrant in real life and the sage and rust cardstock are both textured which is really nice!! Some of the details about the card are available in my SCS gallery, so be sure to check it out!!

In other news, I am at my dad's house tonight and we head out to Altoona in the morning for my nephew's wedding. Not really looking forward to the drive, but I am looking forward to the wedding!! After all, who doesn't love a wedding!! So much fun to see two people pledge to spend the rest of their lives together...

Whoa...where did that come from!! I am usually not so sappy! Besides, I am actually pretty annoyed that some of my favorite people cannot get married even if they wanted to. Even more annoying is the fact that many people feel that if my best friend should find the person that he would like to spend the rest of his life with and commits himself to that man, that their hetero-marriage would suffer in some way. So ridiculous!!

Okay, that felt better!! A bit of open-minded liberalism is always a good thing!!

Well, that is gonna do it for me for a little while. Don't know if I will get to write at all this weekend, even though Dad is bringing the laptop along on our trip, and I know for certain that I will not be doing any stamping!!

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