Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Busy in Reno, but having some fun, too!!

Okay, I have been very busy here in Reno, so trying to blog here and on my MySpace page has been impossible!! Below is the most recent entry in my blog on MySpace, which I posted on December 9th:

So, Keith and I just returned from our trip to Lake Tahoe and I cannot begin to tell you how amazing it was!!

We headed out around 11:00am and at that time, there were quite a few clouds in the sky so I was a bit concerned that we would not have very good weather at the lake. Boy, was I wrong!! We had the most perfect weather!! The sky was so clear - which made the lake the most amazing shade of blue!

I had been to Lake Tahoe when I was here in Reno at the beginning of October, but did not get to see much of the lake. This time, rather than staying in South Lake Tahoe, CA, Keith and I decided to see as much of the lake as we could, so we headed north on Route 89 to travel along the west side of the lake. Although the views were absolutely beautiful, the drive itself was a bit nerve-wracking!! Route 89 is rather narrow as its winds its way up the mountains along Lake Tahoe. Lots of blind, hairpin turns and plenty of stretches without guard rails - I am pretty sure I left permanent indentations on the steering wheel from gripping it so hard!!

Although we drove for what seemed like quite a distance, as it turns out we really only travelled around about one third of the lake. From Reno, we drove south on 395 and then got on route 50 west to head to the lake. Route 50 takes you along the east side of the lake and down to Stateline, NV and through South Lake Tahoe, CA where it intersects with Route 89, which we took north along the southwest shore of Lake Tahoe to Emerald Bay (for a visual, please click here to see a map of Lake Tahoe). We stopped at quite a few spots all along our route to take pictures of the lake, but once we got to Emerald Bay, and realized we still had only driven around less than half of the lake, we decided to go back the way we came and got a late lunch at Riva Grill in South Lake Tahoe, CA before heading back to Reno.

All in all, we had an absolutely amazing day! I am so glad that I got to see more of the lake. When I saw the little of it that I did in October, I said then that it was the most beautiful place that I had ever seen and really could not imagine anything more beautiful. Well, as it turns out, Lake Tahoe is capable of improving upon itself!! To see the Lake with all of the snow on the trees and in the mountains was nothing short of astounding!!

I have plenty of pictures posted on my Flickr site, so please be sure to check them out!!


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Anonymous said...

Still in Reno?